As sun rays timidly peeked through the open windows, their gentle warmth disturbed someone's peaceful slumber. With a disgruntled groan, I reluctantly opened my eyes, cursing myself for forgetting to close the window the night before. Rubbing my eyes to adjust to the sudden influx of sunlight, I glanced beside me only to find the bed empty.

"Funny how I always end up alone in the mornings," I muttered to myself, shaking my head as I swung my legs out of bed. With a sigh, I made my way to the bathroom, knowing I had to quickly go through my morning routine before checking on my munchkins.

As the water cascaded down in the shower, I let out a contented sigh, feeling the warmth soothe away the remnants of sleep. Once refreshed, I wrapped myself in a soft towel and selected a saree from my wardrobe. Draping it gracefully around me

After applying my vermillion and leaving my hair to air dry, I made my way to my kids' room to check on them. The soft glow of dawn filtered through the curtains as I glanced at the clock, noting the time: 7:30. Seeing my little ones still peacefully asleep, I decided to let them rest a while longer and quietly descended downstairs.

In the kitchen, I prepared a protein shake for my husband, knowing he would need the extra boost for his morning workout at our home gym on the second floor. As I blended the ingredients, my mind wandered to our relationship. He was undeniably the best father our children could ask for, attentive and loving in every way. Yet, when it came to our marriage, something was lacking.

Despite our physical intimacy, I couldn't shake the feeling of emotional distance between us. Our interactions felt routine, devoid of the passion and connection I longed for. Yes, we were sexually active, but that alone didn't fulfill the deeper yearning for genuine love and affection. As I poured the protein shake into a glass, I couldn't help but wonder if we would ever bridge the gap between us and rediscover the love we once shared.

"Sex isn't love; love is something that blooms in everyone's heart," I mused quietly to myself as I prepared the protein shake. "It's about more than just physical intimacy."

As I stirred the shake, memories of what love truly meant flooded my mind. "It's asking about your day, making sure you've had your dinner," I continued, the words flowing effortlessly. "It's about the little gestures—the unexpected rose, the gentle kiss on the forehead."

With each word, I felt a pang of longing for the kind of love that transcended mere physical connection, yearning for the depth of emotion and connection that I craved in my marriage. It was a reminder to myself of what I deserved, and a silent plea for the kind of love that filled not just the body, but the soul.

In the intricate tapestry of my life, fate didn't unfold as I had once dreamed. Despite pouring my heart into loving him in every conceivable way, he seemed to only see me through a lens of lust. It was a bitter realization—one that left me feeling hollow and unfulfilled.

Yet, despite the hurt and disappointment, I couldn't bring myself to reject him when he sought solace in our physical connection. It was the only thread of intimacy that tethered us together, the only reassurance that he hadn't strayed beyond our marriage vows.

In the quiet moments of vulnerability, I allowed my guard to slip, sacrificing pieces of my self-respect in exchange for fleeting moments of closeness. It was a desperate attempt to salvage what remained of our crumbling relationship, clinging to the belief that physicality could somehow bridge the chasm between us.

My train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a familiar scent, a heady blend of his cologne that never failed to stir something within me. Before I could register what was happening, I found myself pinned against the wall, his presence looming over me. There he stood, my husband, clad only in joggers, his shirtless form a stark reminder of the undeniable attraction that still simmered beneath the surface.

He leaned in closer, our breaths mingling in the space between us. The fresh scent of mint from his breath intertwined with the sweet fragrance of strawberries that lingered on mine. As his lips grazed my neck, his warm breath danced across my skin, sending shivers cascading down my spine at the mere touch of his exhale. Every sensation was heightened, every nerve electrified by the intoxicating proximity of his presence. In that moment, the world around us faded into insignificance, leaving only the tantalizing allure of his breath against my skin.

He then started leaving wet kisses on my neck while my hands travelled down to his back, scratching his back not able to handle the sensual pleasure he was giving me. I gave him more access to my neck which he gladly accepted.

His kisses trailed down to collarbone leaving hickeys while his hands which was resting on my waist travelled down to my blouse.

"Dada stowp eating mommy" my 4 year old kid vihan said.

I pushed him with full force and started fixing my disheveled dress while he cursed himself

"No dada is not eating mumna" he said picking up vihan in his arms

"Then?" He questioned with his innocent eyes

"Mumma had something in her neck and I was seeing what it was" he explained to his son like it was true.


My subconscious shouted.

As I gently lifted Vihan from his embrace, his little eyes blinked open, filled with curiosity. "Shall we go and bath you, baby?" I whispered, a smile dancing on my lips as he nodded in agreement. Together, we tiptoed to the bedroom, where I carefully settled him on the changing table, his tiny fingers reaching out for the toys nearby.

With a soft sigh, I focused on Vihan, filling the room with the sound of running water and his delighted giggles as I washed away the day's adventures. Between splashes, I wove tales of far-off lands and brave knights, his wide eyes, listening discreetly

As I applied moisturizer to his delicate skin, a distant cry pierced the air, announcing Vrihanika's awakening. Just then, Adhvik entered the room, his presence commanding attention. "You tend to Vrihanika," he instructed, his voice cool and detached.

Nodding in silent acquiescence, I scooped up my one year kid, her cries softening as I murmured soothing words. Once her tears ceased, I settled her on my lap, feeling the weight of motherhood enveloping me. With a weary smile, I sank into the bed, cradling Vrihanika close

As I unhooked my blouse to nurse Vrihanika,Her hungry cries softened into contented murmurs as she nestled against me. I couldn't ignore the heat of someone's gaze lingering on me, tracing the curves of my body with an intensity that was impossible to ignore.

I knew without looking whose gaze it was, but I refused to let it disrupt me .With practiced ease, I focused solely on Vrihanika.

As I nursed Vrihanika, the weight of someone's gaze lifted, replaced by a sense of relief. The interruption of a phone call came as a blessing, granting me the opportunity to focus solely on the bond between mother and child, undisturbed by lingering eyes.

Once Vrihanika was contentedly bathed and settled in her crib downstairs, I busied myself in the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast filling the air. "Adhya," his voice broke through the morning stillness, pulling me from my tasks.

"Yes?" I responded, avoiding his gaze as I focused on the meal preparations.

"We have to go to Mumbai," he announced with frustration evident in his tone, "my mother has arranged a Puja for the kids."

Understanding the gravity of his words, I nodded silently, already planning the logistics in my mind. "Okay, I'll go and pack our clothes," I assured him, a sense of duty guiding my actions.

"For how many days?" I inquired, meeting his gaze briefly.

"A week, and we're leaving this afternoon on our private jet," he informed me, his tone matter-of-fact.

With a nod, I returned to my tasks, ensuring that breakfast was served promptly. As my family gathered around the table, I tended to their needs, balancing the demands of motherhood with the duties of a wife.

After nourishing both Vihan and Adhvik, I tended to Vrihanika's needs. With the boys occupied in their gaming room, I seized the opportunity to retreat upstairs and begin the arduous task of packing.

As the clock ticked onwards, I felt the sweat of exertion clinging to my skin, making me want to shower badly. "Adhya, wear comfortable clothes," his voice echoed from the doorway, his words a gentle reminder amidst the chaos of preparations.

With a nod, I selected my attire and made my way to the bathroom, the promise of a brief respite beckoning me forward.

As the soothing spray of lukewarm water enveloped me, washing away the tensions of the morning, I closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment of solace.

Yet, amidst the tranquility, a sudden touch against my waist sent a jolt of surprise coursing through me, causing me to gasp in startled disbelief.

Shit why did I forget to lock the bathroom door?

He then slammed me to the wall and started kissing me feral. I tried to match his pace which I failed miserably so him being  the dominant and me being the submissive tale continued.

He then started attacking my neck. He had to bend down to reach my neck since I was short.

"Jump" he demanded

I did what he said. I wrapped my legs around his torso while he wrapped his hands around my waist.

He again slammed on my lips and at the same time massaging my tits.

Slowly his lips travelled down to my jaw which later went to my tits. He started sucking my nipple while giving massage to my other breast and after sometime he shifted to my other breast.

" Bend" he demanded

I bended while he slipped out of his boxers and slowly thrusted his membrane into me.

"Ahhh" i moaned

He then increased his pace

"Adhvik" I moaned

This was the only time I call him by his name.

After a few minutes of our makeout session, he withdrew from the bathroom, likely heading to another room to take his own shower.

A pang of disappointment settling in my chest as I yearned for a deeper connection after our intimacy

With a heavy heart, tears welled in my eyes, cascading down my cheeks as I stood beneath the steady stream of water, the ache of unfulfilled desires lingering in the air.

Despite the physical soreness that remained, I continued my shower, the droplets of water mingling with my tears, a silent testament to the complexities of love and longing

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