Adhya" he called me out but I just pretended like I didn't hear him and continued folding clothes.

"Adhya" he called me softly

No reply

"Adhya" he called me again but this time his voice sounded irritated

No reply

It somewhat irked him. He raked his hands through his hair, he always do this when he is either frustrated or annoyed.

This time he sat next to me.

"Adhya reply or else I would fuck you mercilessly that you can't even walk for a week and trust me I don't do jokes" he said and i widened my eyes and seeing my facade he smirked

"What?" I asked with angriness dripping on my voice

"Let me explain" he said

I hummed

"What you saw was just a misunderstanding. I tripped over her making me hover above her and I would never cheat on you" he said sounding sincere

I nodded at him indicating that I trust him.

"Use words Adhya. This world won't get destroyed if you talk with me and I noticed that I am the only person you talk least" he told me moreover like sulking.

I was mortified by his sudden confession.

"Yes ji" I said with a flustered face

"For god's sake I don't know when you are going to stop calling me ji" he said with a sigh.

"Ruhani left" he said and hearing it I was relieved that bitch has finally left

I nodded at him

"I will be in study,  I have some work if you want something call me" he said

"Ofcourse your second wife is important" I muttered to myself

"She is my first wife Adhya" he told me and to which I shoot him a daggers.

"I will kill you if you tell me that she is your first wife or your love" I told him with jealousy

"Ofcourse she is my first love" he said teasingly

"Oh really go to your first love from now on go and fuck her not me " I said emphasising the word fuck

He gave me horrified expression while I walked out of the room with sulking

"No, it's not fair Adhya" he uttered moreover like shouting

"Everything is fair" i replied him.

"No, Iam sorry please forgive me and you are my first wife" he told me but I didn't buy his pleading. I just shrugged off.

He went from there sulking as he received a business call while I let out a chuckle seeing how he was behaving like a baby. I guess Iam handling 3 babies sometimes.


Today vihan insisted me to take him to the park . He melted me with his his pout and doey eyes so I gave in.

As soon as we entered the park, vihan started running with excitement while me and Vrihanika were seeing his antics with a smile plastered on our faces.

"Vihan, we have to go home and it's getting darker. It's been quite a while since we came" I told him

"Mumma 5 minutes" he said while playing on the sand

I sighed cause he has been telling this for past 30 minutes

"Please beta" I said this time with pleading eyes and ofcourse my sone inherited that doey eyes from me. Seeing my doey eyes, he melted I guess

"Okay mumma" he said finally getting up from the sand .

We emerged out of the park after a lot of struggles in convincing vihan to go home.

"Mumma ice ceam (cream)" he said with excitement

He started running towards it but little did he noticed that a car was coming so with horror I chased him and pushed him.

The car suddenly stopped with a thud sound and it was just few inches away from hitting me.

I apologized to the car driver and strided my way towards vihan.

"Beta are you okay?" I checked if there was any bruises and there was only one in foot since I pushed.

He cried so I took him in my arms. Vrihanika is with bodyguards who went to take the car.

I started consoling him and after few minutes he dozed off in my shoulder.

I hopped into the car and heaved heavily

The car hitting vihan horrified me. I would have been devastated and adhvik?

I shrugged off my overthinking.

I hissed that's when I noticed i have bruises in my palm and elbow but I just ignored it cause it's not a big injury.

Within 30 minutes of ride, we reached home. I asked one of the maid to take Vrihanika to her room and tuck her in her crib since she has already dozed off during the ride.

Vihan woke up just now and he needed me so I took him in my arms and strided my way towards our room. His hands were gripping on my neck tightly and I know that he was afraid so I let him to do whatever he wanted though it hurted me.

I placed him on the bed and went to bathroom and returned with first aid box.

I sat next to him and opened the first aid box and that's when Adhvik barged into the room.

He seemed to know about Vihan getting injury. His bodyguards must have informed him. Seeing Vihan crying he was getting angry on me

"Adhya" he called me in furious voice

"Ji" I uttered

"Don't you know how to take care of a child. How could you be careless about vihan, Adhya. Do you have any sense? Where were you when he was going to fall? You are useless Adhya. I don't know how you are taking care of my kids in my absence. You don't know anything, I regret marrying you" he shouted and vihan flinched hearing his angry voice for the first time.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"I regret marrying you"

"You are useless"

The words were echoing in my mind continuously

"Move" he said and sat next to vihan and started treating his wounds

"Just don't be in my sight Adhya" he said in irritation

I slowly nodded and emerged out of the room. I quickly wiped my tears and descended downstairs to cook.

"Papa" he called me

"Yes my prince" I asked him in my soft voice

"Mumma also got wounds" he said

"Huh?" I questioned him with bewilderment

"Mumma saved me" he said

"How" I asked him

"A car was coming to hit me while I was running towards ice ceam(cream) tuck(,truck). Mumma pushed me and saved me. That's when I got this wound" he said making me regret to the words I said to her

I don't know what happened in the park. My bodyguard called me and said that vihan fell in the park.

"You shouldn't scold mumma" he commanded me

I nodded at him

I soon completed treating his wounds and he dozed off when I was treating his wounds so I just placed him on the bed with 4 pillows surrounding him to prevent him from falling from bed.

I realised I fucked this time and she is a sensitive girl so she must have deeply hurted by words. Fuck I acted on my impulse.

I decided to go and ask her my apologies but I was interrupted by a phone call and it was important business call so I had to attend it as I left abruptly from the office.

I cursed and strided my way towards my home office.

I looked at the clock to see ticking 11oclock. I didn't even know how the time passed. I closed my laptop and strided my way towards our bedroom to see both vihan and Vrihanika sleeping in bed with 4 pillows surrounding them

I guessed she woke them up and feeded their dinner and made them sleep again. My eyes roamed to see her but she wasn't in the room.

I frowned cause it's late night and where she would have gone?

I searched for her in the kitchen but there was no trace of her. I searched everywhere but she wasn't there.

I slowly went to one of the guest room following the faint sobbing sound. The door was unlocked so I peeked to see Adhya crying. My heart broke seeing her crying and I was enraged in myself for making her cry.

I marched my way to her. I sat opposite to her and till now she didn't notice my presence.

She was sitting on the floor with face down.

''Adhya" I called her softly

She flinched hearing my voice and I cursed myself for scaring her .

''Adhya look at me'' I called her.

She lifted her head to look at me.

I saw hurt, fear in her eyes and seeing her in this state, my heart pricked

Her eyes were red, her cheeks were puffed due to continuous crying.

"Iam sorry Adhya. Please forgive me I didn't heed to your explanation. I am so sorry" I pleaded her

She just nodded to my words telling me that she forgive me but I know it was a lie.

"Say something Adhya" I broke down

"What can I say ji? When did you ever listen to my words and I know that I am useless and you regret marrying a girl like me" she said with tears rolling down on her cheeks

"Ad-hya'' I shuttered

"Maybe you should divorce me and marry ano-" I cut her off by slamming my lips on her.

It irked me about the mention of divorce and seeing another girl as my wife just made me dissatisfied.

Why don't I want her to divorce me?when I was the one who asked her divorce at the initial stage of our marriage. I am saying no to divorce not because of kids but for something else but I don't know why

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