She hit my chest indicating that she was out of breath so without any choice I pulled out from the kisses.

"Don't think of divorce in that little brain of yours cause you are stuck with me forever" I told her and once again kissed her cause I was furious about the divorce

I sucked her lips and devoured it as if it was my feast.

After a few minutes I departed from her as we both were lack of oxygen.

I got up and she looked at me with frown in her eyes.

"Stay here" I ordered.

I then emerged out of the room and went to our room and returned back with first aid box in my hands.

I took her hands in mine. She hissed and my heart pricked seeing her in pain.

I treated her wounds and dressed her hands with bandage.

She slowly stood up and slept on the bed and covered herself with duvet.

"Come to our room" I said but she pretended like she was sleeping.

Didn't she just laid on the bed? Man who was she kidding

She was stubborn so was I. I took her in bridal style.

"Leave me" she struggled in my arms but what surprised me was that she was talking to me in a cold shoulder

"Never" I muttered.

We then entered our room and I throw those pillows which were surrounding our kids. I placed her next to vihan while I laid next to Vrihanika. I wanted to hug her and sleep but tonight the kids were there as a barrier between us.

Vihan cuddled her while she reciprocated gladly. I scoffed seeing that. I was getting jealous of my own son.

But I have my daughter anyway. That's what I said to supress my jealousy.

Next morning I woke up to see my daughter's hand encircled around my neck while vihan's hand was around Vrihanika waist cuddling her. My eyes raked around to see Adhya but she wasn't in the room neither was she in the bathroom.

I looked at the clock to see ticking

7 o'clock. I have office at 9 vihan has school at 8.30.

I released myself from their grip and went to take a shower. Once I was done I emerged out of the bathroom to see that there was no clothes placed in the bed. She always choose the office attire for me but today she didn't.

I strided my way towards the wardrobe to pick my suit and one thing that troubled me was I don't know how to do my tie as Adhya always do my tie but today she didn't even come to our room.

"Is she really that mad?" I thought

"Ofcourse why won't she, you dumbass" my subconscious taunted me

I descended downstairs and went straight to kitchen to see her cooking while talking with maid and cackling with them. Seeing her hearty laugh, I felt contentment.

I gestured maids to leave and as they were leaving, I noticed frown in her face but later understood seeing me.

She ignored my existence and continued with her cooking

"Wait Am I invisible now to her?"

"Weren't you the one who acted like she was invisible on your initial days of marriage" my subconscious voiced out

"I guess I really fucked up" I told myself

I sneaked my hands around her small waist and inhaled her raspberry perfume which always give me calmness in me at the same time arouse me.

"Iam sorry" I muttered

"Adhvik Singhania asking for apologies. Oh my god I guess it's going to Rain like cats and dogs" my subconscious mocked me.

Yet she ignored me and freed herself from my grip and took the tie from my hands and tiptoed to reach my height and started doing my tie. I pulled her closer while she gasped.

I was studying her features which I always do when she do my tie. She always pecked me once she was done with my tie but today she didn't

Iam going lunatic now. I am getting irritated by her cold shoulders

"It hurts when you taste your own medicine Adhvik Singhania" my subconscious spoke

"Can't you keep your mouth shut up for a while" I asked my subconscious

"Definitely not" my subconscious mocked me

"Mumma" vihan entered the kitchen.

She took on her arms and started showering him kisses

Here I was dying to get a single kiss from her but look at my son getting shower of kisses

I scoffed and emerged out of the kitchen.

She bathed vihan and dressed him up in his school uniform and feeded him while she didn't even glance at me once.

I am the one who always drop vihan at his school since it's on my way to the office.

He bid his bye to mumma who reciprocated and pecked him one last time while I was anticipating she would do the same but who I was kidding so I pecked her lips and hoped into the car.

It was really a hectic day and top of that I have to go to USA tomorrow for business meeting. Suddenly an idea popped on my idea. Why don't I take them with me cause it's been a long time since we went on a vacation. So I will extend one more week of stay there and enjoy with them and at the same time cool my angry wife.

"Wow you are genius Adhvik" I muttered to myself and laughed.

That night, vihan told me about his day while Vrihanika was talking with me in her gibberish language which I facade like I understood her words.

I didn't tell anyone about the trip to the USA cause I want it to be a surprise.

I woke up Next morning at 4am and asked Kamali didi (maid) to pack our bags. Once she was done with packing my driver took our luggage to the car while I first took my kids to the car and made them sit on the car. Vihan woke up and I had to explain him the surprise. The kid was really excited now.

I then marched towards our room and picked Adhya in my arms. She snuggled in my embrace clutching my shirt tighter.

I slowly placed her on the seat and sat next to her. She placed her head on my shoulder and her hands were clutching my arms tightly.

Vihan was watching cartoons in his tablet while Vrihanika was sleeping and I was watching the view outside the window

After a few minutes I felt movements beside me indicating that she is going to wake up and she did. She yawned and rubbed her eyes and opened her eyes.

She frowned and looked at her surrounding to find herself in the car.

Man I was really enjoying her expression.

She was about to freak out until her eyes landed on me and the kids. She looked at me and when I reciprocated she broke the eye contact

I was the one to make eye contact and she was the one who broke it

"Where are we going?" She asked me lowering her head

"Somewhere" I told suppressing my laugh

"Where" she asked me

"Wait and watch" i told her

She looked at vihan and asked him while he just uttered surprise

She muttered traitor

While I chuckled and leaned to her ears and whispered

"Have patience wifey" I said and kissed her cheeks and departed myself

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