These guys are not even telling me where they are taking me. I even showed my infamous puppy eyes to my son but he didn't even melt for it.

I scoffed and took my daughter in my arms who was now crying as soon as she woke up and found herself in a new surrounding

Within few minutes of ride we halted somewhere and when I emerged out of the car, I realised we were at airport.

Why did they bring me to the airport ??. I questioned myself

I covered my daughter's face and Adhvik covered vihan with hoodie.

He entwined his hands with me and strided his way towards the airport and on our way we were attacked by paparazzi with dozens of questions which we ignored.

We made ourselves comfortable in the seats.

"Good morning sir" one of the air hostess spoke with a flirting voice.

Doesn't she see that he has a wife and top of that two kids and that whatever name didn't even acknowledge my presence

He gave her a curt nod

"You look handsome sir" she said

"Excuse me could you get us our breakfast because his kids can't starve for a long time" I said to her while pointing my hands towards him and emphasizing the word his kids

her facial expression morphed into unpleasant and stormed out from there while he let out a chuckle

The audacity of man to chuckle.

After breakfast kids drifted into their dreamland while I was adoring my kids beauty sleep. Really they look cute when they are sleeping

One got genes of the father while the other got mine.

I was cuddling my kids until I felt a presence next to me.

I very well knew who it was so I didn't look back to make sure.

I felt him laying on the bed and his hands sneaking into my waist and pulling me closer while departing me from my poor kids.

Don't he know that Iam still angry at him.

I struggled to release from his grip.

"Stop wiggling or else you have to take care of my boner" he whispered and a red hue spread my cheeks.

"Then leave my kids are alone" I said with stubbornly.

He scoffed

"As if it's only your kid. Remember that I was the one to put them in you" he argued about it again

"But I was the one to carry them for nine months and bear all the pain to get those angels into the world." I argued with him

"If I didn't fuck you then who would have put them in your stomach" he said and I flustered seeing him talking with no filter.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"My babies are alone so leave me and let me spend some time with them" I said

"They are sleeping and they won't feel alone. For a single second can you at least think about your husband in that little mind of yours" he told me

I giggled seeing him sulking like a kid and not to forget that Adhvik Singhania sulking like a kid also that is exclusively to me. I forgot that I was even angry at him but I didn't show it to me as I decided to tease him

"No" i replied nonchalantly simultaneously with a low voice which was enough to reach his ears.

He was taken back by my reply but instantly a smirk danced on his face

"Oh really Mrs. Singhania? You don't care for me ?" He asked

I studied his face for a second to understand what he was cooking in the sexy mind of his but i failed like always

I nodded with perturbation not knowing what he was thinking.

He suddenly hovered over me.

"Does Mrs singhania doesn't get nervous around me?" He asked in a husky voice

I nodded to show him I don't fear him but man who was I kidding?

He leaned more closer to me as each second passed

I placed a hand on his well built body and tried to push him with all my strength but the result was utter fail.

Hi hands went inside my t-shirt which sent electric shocks passed into my spine and I shivered slightly.

"Ad-hvik" I stammered

"Why are you stammering Adhya. Am I making you nervous?" He asked me with a smug lingering on his face and how badly I wanted to wipe off that smug from his face.

Suddenly Vrihanika broke out in tears and I mentally thanked God for saving me from my husband

"We are not done with it Adhya Singhania" he whispered and took Vrihanika in his embrace cajoling her.

"If you were quite my daughter would have slept peacefully" I muttered to myself

"I heard you Adhya Singhania and it's our daughter for god's sake" he corrected me.

I know that he hates whenever I use my kids instead of our kids and why won't I use this golden opportunity to tease him.

We finally reached our destination and still I have no clue where I am??. he back hugged me suddenly to which I flinched slightly. why is he behaving shamelessly infront of the kids.

"Welcome to USA biwi" he whispered and I gasped. it was my first time to travel out of India. we are currently in Chicago

The chicago city was full of hustle bustle.

I heaved to intake the city's air.

"Good morning sir" A man in his early 30s wished him

He gave him a curt nod and we followed him. Apparently I came to know that my husband has an own branch in Chicago. He led us to a car and opened us the door.

We hopped into the car. Vrihanika was in his lap while vihan was in mine.

"Mumma isn't that uncle good" he whispered to me and for a minute I examined him through the rear view mirror.

'Yes beta. He is looking handsome and his body is sculpted and he has good abs. In my opinion he is ho" I was whispering to my son but someone interrupted us with a clearing throat.

I looked at direction to see my husband giving me a death glare.

Was I too loud?

"Don't think of other men when Iam around" he whispered in my ears so that only I could hear

''That shall I look at him when you are not around?'' I asked him impulsively and i regretted the next moment as I saw his eyes darkened

"You are only mine and I dare you to lay your pretty eyes of yours on other man, then the next moment you would be pinned hard to the wall and fucked mercilessly infront of the man you were gawking and the moan that escapes from your pretty mouth of yours will let him know who you belong to" he whispered sending chills to my spine.

I sat absent minded throughout the whole ride thinking about the consequences Iam gonna face.

We reached our destination and when I emerged out of the car I came in sight with huge building which was the hotel we were gonna stay. The exterior shouted richness while the interior was on another level. I was gawking the hotel.

We strided our way towards the VIP room which Adhvik booked for us.

My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw the room. It was like a house which had all the luxuries.

Two rooms, a kitchen, a private pool and a giant living room.

After few minutes of digesting the fact that we gonna stay here I decided to shower since I felt I was stinking.

I unpacked my bag to find no traditional clothes and only western clothes. In my memory I didn't have these types of dresses so I guess Adhvik must have asked one of the maid to buy these dress.

I slipped myself into denim shorts and a tshirt since we are gonna stay here at our room as Adhvik would go for work.

I went out of the bathroom to see adhvik on the phone talking with someone.

As soon as vihan saw me he dashed towards me and asked me to lift him.

"Mumma you are looking good" he said in my embrace. I blushed at his comment and thanked him.

My husband's attention averted towards me as soon as he heard vihan's compliment.

He looked up and down making it clear that he was checking me out and I felt conscious about the way I looked .

"Iam going to office" he said and went out before pecking me and the kids

"Was I not looking good?" A question dwelled in my head throughout the day.

Me and my son had movie date in the room when Vrihanika was sleeping but me and my son made sure to give her some quality time by playing with her.

The rest of the day was well spent. Kids are sleeping but Adhvik still didn't return.

I looked at the clock to see ticking 12 o'clock. He messaged me saying that he would be late but still my impulsive thoughts were making me worry like a shit.

I then heard a clicking sound of the door and I very well knew it was Adhvik by his perfume. I heaved deeply and decided to drift into my dreamland. I hugged vihan tightly who gladly reciprocated the same.


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